
Opening and viewing tables and views

Card view Grid view

When you open a connection to a database in the Object Browser, BaseNow analyzes the data about the database structure. The program finds information about tables, views, as well as all columns, indexes, and relationships and links between the tables.

To view the database elements Adult Games, just click on the + sign in front of the connection name in the Object Browser. When you click on the table or view name, the data will be displayed in a grid.

Two ways to show the data

There are two ways to view data in BaseNow - Grid and Card view. Grid view displays the data in a typical spreadsheet format with rows and columns. Columns divide each record into several units. In a Card view, the records are displayed as cards where each card represents a record and each row in the card represents a column. You can also use the Records Editor to display and change records in a table.

Database Tools overview

BaseNow has database tools that can help you organize and filter the data, which is especially important in analyzing large. consumer-facing applications like a dating app or sex social network. You can move data from one database format into another, create new databases astra themes, and organize objects within them. Deduplication tools organize duplicate data, enabling you to delete them or create a new table with all the 5000 Kr duplicates. Every tool in the program can save the settings as a package. Thus, you can avoid entering the same information several times.


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Version 1.1.7 Relased (1/11/2024)

Version 1.1.0 Relased (11/16/2002)

HotFix 1 for Windows XP SP1


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